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7 Tips On How To Sell An Unsellable House

If your house isn’t selling, it can be a big problem and a matter of extreme stress to homeowners. If it has been sitting for a long time in the market, it will ultimately lose its value. Simply tweaking your marketing skills and changing your home selling process can favor you a lot. If you think you’ve tried everything, then think again or scroll down below and go through the 7 Tips On How To Sell An Unsellable House.

Postpone The Home Selling Dates for your Unsellable House

Setting the right time to sell in the market is extremely essential as the price you may achieve certainly relies on it. It is a known fact that real estate is majorly a seller’s market and you’d need to know about the pattern of selling homes. There is a certain time of the year when the sales are highest, spring is the ideal time to sell your house or put it on the market. Whereas, winter is the time when sales are comparatively low. If you’re not up for the seasonal sale pattern then there’s another way where you can wait for the inventory to drop and then put your home on the list.                     

Try Selling Your House Under The Market Price

Mispricing your home can be the easiest mistake you can make while listing your home, so the ideal way to entice buyers is by selling your property for a lower market value. Buyers or real estate investors are always on a hunt to find houses that are priced for less than their fair market value, this kind of sale is also known as ‘fire sale’ according to the real estate lingo.

This might not be your ideal choice but in this state of utter despair, this might be the most enticing option for you. As investors are constantly looking for such deals, some companies might actually surprise you by buying your property in as-is condition for a fair price. Try selling your house to a ‘we buy house for cash’ company; Elite Properties New York will buy your house in any condition and additionally offer you a no-obligation offer.

Consider Deep Cleaning, Improvements, And Curb Appeal

A clean house will always sell for a huge profit, keeping in mind its functional aspects of it. Fixing serious issues like your electrical and HVAC system will work wonders if they were in a rough condition. Plumbing, windows, and checking for leakages from roofs or sewage pipes are important points to remember. Make sure all the functional aspects of the house are covered before selling. If you’re not able to cover the improvement’s expense then include it as an incentive with the house.

The next important thing to focus on is the curb appeal of your house. If a home isn’t good-looking from the outside it’s never going to sell. You can counter the easy and less pricey things first and then move on to the costly improvements as and where needed. Just cleaning the sidewalks, mowing the lawn, and cleaning the exteriors of your house can make a visible difference.

Up Your Marketing Game

It’s all about the virtual world these days; the easiest way to list your home on the market is by putting it online for people to take a view. Adding to the rest, the results will only show if you market your home right. MLS or Multiple Listing Service can be extremely handy once you choose to put your home online, this particular service enables you to find the right buyers on a wider platform.                                               

Good marketing is equivalent to profitable sales so while listing your home make sure you’re putting out precise information for prospective buyers. Click sharp images of your complete house and also try making a video from the entrance to each room for a better perspective for buyers. A buyer would possibly skip pictures but not a video; make sure the quality of your video is clear, crisp, and shot in bright light.                    

Documentation Of Property Is Essential

If you’re putting your unsellable house on the market it is important for you to keep complete written information about your property and the changes made or required in the coming future. Keeping updated information about your property will help you in an easier sale and would promise better profits. No matter whether your house is in whatever condition it will always be sold for a fair price if you’ve been transparent with the potential buyer.                 

Think Through A Short Sale

This might be your last option to reach the final results and achieve a fair price on your property.  In most cases statistically quoting; people end up owing more than the property’s worth which is practically impossible to remunerate. There are cases where most of the lenders (in case you have an outstanding mortgage) may or may not agree to a short sale additionally, not every seller will qualify for a short sale. In such circumstances, it is best to opt for a short sale although it is important to do your research before diving in.                                                                                                

Sell Your Home For Cash To Elite Properties

Going through a mortgage, debts, improvements, and on top of it selling an unsellable house can be a lot to bear. In such an unfortunate condition your first option should be selling your home for cash to cash buying companies in New York like us. Selling your home for cash to us might be a boon in an ugly situation. We buy houses as-is which means you are saved from the hassles of making repairs. We close the deal in as less as 3 days which means you can take your money and repay your debts in no time.

 guarantee a fair all-cash offer with an additional no-obligation offer where you can terminate the proposal and you won’t have to pay any commission. If the deal is finalized we’ll also pay the closing and associated fees, so what is stopping you? Sell your house for cash to us and we’ll promise you a profitable all-cash sale. Call us at 718-977-5462 or visit us at Elite Properties to sell your house today.

Life changes dynamically with each passing day, and it can be tough to envisage your future needs. People build big houses when they plan to expand their family or to live in luxury. Although as time passes by, your needs may scale up or down. If your children have moved out or you’re about to retire, this is when you can think of downsizing your home.

Downsizing your home can be an efficient move for several reasons as it saves a lot of money that flows into the maintenance of a big house. Here, you would want to know the reasons to downsize your home? There are many personal motives that can justify this question. We know downsizing your home can be an emotional roller-coaster ride due to the memories you have with the place. Changing the size of your house, and moving to a new location can cause discomfort, but as long as it helps you live a better life, it’s worth it. If you are considering downsizing your home? Find out the reasons here.

Possible Reasons to Downsize Your Home

People have their explanations to downsize homes, some may state reasons like high-maintenance, and some may say lifestyle change. Downsizing can cut heavy expenses with a lot of margin which enables you to live a burden-free life. You need to ask questions like; do you really need to downsize your home? Or you can still figure out ways without doing so. If this sounds intriguing then find out the possible reasons to downsize your home –  

  • Helps You Cope With Finances

A big house comes with liabilities and prominent financial facets, which should be satiated regularly. Nobody loves the notion of paying a hefty amount as a mortgage installment every month. Selling your house for cash will help in paying a significant chunk as repayment towards the mortgage. Furthermore, if you have any outstanding amount, you can purchase a smaller house with cash.

If you’ve already settled the mortgage payments in the past and have enough equity, then you can sell the home and still relish it in a sizable amount. As a bonus, if your house sells in an appreciated value without any negotiations, then you can keep both the savings and profits of the sale.

  • Eradication of Monthly Expenses

Unbearable monthly expenses are also one of the reasons to downsize homes. Costs like monthly bills, HOA fees, homeowners insurance, additional taxes, gas expenses, and pest control expenses add up to your monthly bills which can be too much to handle. Downsizing may significantly cut down your monthly expenses and keep you at bay from some serious cash flow. Living in a smaller place with the same amenity promises a lesser expenditure which is need of the hour.

  • Maintenance Is Troublesome

Problems don’t originate only when you’re away from your home it can knock the doors, in your presence as well. If you own a big house and are away from it for a long time, it’s time to downsize your home. Staying away from your home will nevertheless require maintenance, which can be impossible if you’re staying far away. Little things like mowing lawns and dusting furniture can become a troublesome task. You’ll possibly have to hire a caretaker that again comes as an added expenditure. If an old or retired couple stays in a big house, maintenance becomes an arduous task. If you’re a grown-up the problem stays the same. Performing regular chores and taking care of huge spaces require energy and money, which you probably want to save. By downsizing your home, you are saving it from being deteriorated.

  • Lifestyle Changes While Retirement

Retirement is a huge turn in an individual’s life, it is also a pretty common reason to downsize homes. Downsizing your home becomes a vital requirement if you’re retired or going to retire as expenses stay the same, but the income doesn’t. When you move into a smaller home, you are likely to save more. Things like mortgage payments, insurance, and property taxes will be reduced by a good number.

  • Get Rid Of Unused Spaces

Less is more, the case stays the same when you have a big house. Having a big house will have its pros and cons, rather it will have more cons. If your home has empty and unused spaces with furniture lying everywhere, you can consider selling, donating or tossing the furniture. When the problem with furniture is settled, it’s time to think about the spaces. Space means maintenance, instead of maintaining the house try selling it for cash. You can also sell your house to cash buying companies.

Consider Selling Your House for Cash

Selling house for cash is the way out to all your problems. Elite Properties will buy your house in any condition, any location and propose you with an all-cash offer. Selling house fast for cash will enable you to start afresh but how? We buy houses by keeping in mind the market value, in return, we provide you with hard cash which aids in tackling all the major obstacles in your life. Call us on 718-977-5462 or visit us at Elite Properties we’ll help you find appropriate solutions for all your real estate watershed.

Are you thinking about selling your house fast? Consider staging, a hassle-free way to lucrative sales and no additional costs to pay. Staging is all about making your home more presentable and enticing for prospective buyers and you don’t even need a professional hand to stage your home. You can do it yourself in the way you would like it to be. It is a great way to eliminate clutter from your home and make it look spacious and attractive without spending dollars.    

Buyers are peachy keen observers, they judge your home in a jiffy with just a single look, which makes it extremely important to stage your home properly. A simple symmetric alignment of furniture or cleaning up the clutter can make a big change in the appearance of your property. Staging makes a big difference in the margin of the sale, learn how staging helps in selling your house fast by following effective tips.

Cleaning Is a Priority

Cleanliness is godliness, we are very thorough with this phrase, but we often forget to apply it when it comes to staging a house. Cleaning is an essential tool to sell your house fast and make buyers believe that you believe in hygienic living. The kitchen and bathrooms should be at the top of your cleaning list, a clean bathroom will always get bonus points while selling your house.  Put room fresheners (mostly flowery smells) clean the dirty stains in the kitchen and bathroom and you are good to go.

Decluttering Of Personal and Unwanted Items

A process that comes in extremely handy while de-cluttering is the “TDS” process. TDS simply means “Toss,” “Donate,” and “Store.” While staging your house, you could go through some massive mess, and decluttering takes forever. You can use the TDS method to get things sorted and sell your house fast.

For example: Toss the used items like clothes, random junk, or e-garbage and donate them to the one who needs them, or hosts a garage sale and sell it for lowballed prices.

Rest, store the things that you really need. While removing the clutter from your storage make sure you throw, recycle or sell the unwanted items to make space for the important ones.  Store your items in a fashion that they are not visible to prospective buyers.

Add Color / Make Use of Dead Spaces/ Accessorize Rooms

While adding a touch of fresh paint might sound expensive we will tell you how to paint walls on a budget. First scrape off the shabby paint from the walls with the help of a sand paper then add a coat of primer and two coats of paint by yourself. By doing this you are straight away cutting of the costs of hiring a painter plus, you can paint the walls according to your choice. Utilize your living room and use the dead wall as your center of attraction. Painting just the dead or the central walls will immediately give a pop of color without doing much work.

Tip: Try using neutral colors that will be loved by both genders, keeping dominant and gender-specific colors slash the attraction of a potential buyer.

If you have dead spaces like lobbies, niches or window corners make use of it. Try arranging low-height seating around the window, and add coffee tables in the niche of your living room. Doing just a little as this will potentially maximize your sale. Buyers love to see how each space can be used to get the maximum use out of a room or house that they are paying for. Accentuating the dead areas and making them livable will provide you with a hefty gain.  

Accessorizing interiors can change the aesthetic appeal of a house completely, which also helps in selling your house fast. You don’t have to buy expensive handicrafts or décor, just cleaning the chandeliers till sparkly clean and adding fresh flowers in the flower vase will do the trick. You can also switch the bright white lights with yellow-toned lights or hanging lights to give a sense of warmth.

Let Natural Light In and Update Upholstery

Cleaning the windows can work its magic. While a walkthrough makes sure all your windows are open in the daytime to let the natural light in. Letting sunlight in makes the space look bigger and wider.

An important point is to clean your upholsteries and draperies. Give a quick wash to your curtains and upholsteries to enhance the appeal of your house. If you have two or more sets of upholsteries and curtains try making a subtle combination of them. Strike a balance between the paint and furniture that will complement and complete your home’s look.

Trim the Extra Greens and Rake the Spaces Outside

Whether you have a porch, a front yard, or a back yard it is important to keep it clean and pleasant. Rake the leaves and cut off the excess growth of plants. Put welcome mats on the porch, add hanging plants on the door and keep away the litter box if you have pets. Doing this will make your buyers feel special and welcomed. 

Increase the Curb Appeal / Make Required Improvements

A quick look from the outside makes the first call for walkthroughs. Buyers often focus on the outsides of a place to finalize a walkthrough. Luring your buyers with appealing exteriors is a must, but how? First off, get rid of the dull painted exteriors. Add big and bold hanging house numbers, get the porch sparkly clean, clean the windows and mow the lawns. These are some points to consider to increase the curb appeal of your house.

If your home is pretty and not functional it’s not worth buying. A buyer might give up on looks for once but not the functionality. Take measures to constantly check your HVAC systems, sewage tanks, water pipes, toilet and bath fittings, etc. to avoid last-minute repairs.

Keep Pets Away, Add Scents to Cover the Odor

If you have pets at your home, try to keep them away from buyers. We comprehend pets are an integral part of your family, but some people might not be pet lovers. Some buyers can be pet friendly while some pet allergic. It is your due responsibility to keep them away until the house tour is complete. It is not just the pets but their litter boxes and food plates that need to wipe out for some time.

Sell Fast for Cash

Everything boils down to selling your house fast which provides you with plenty of profit. If you think the traditional way of staging and selling is too much, you can contact buy houses for cash companies like ‘Elite Properties. They will buy your house in any condition and propose with an all-cash offer post which they stage your house and sell it further to prospective buyers. If you are residing in New York and want to sell your house fast without the hassles of staging and preparing your home for market get in touch with us. You can contact on the given number here 718-977-5462 and they’ll do the rest. 

Selling a home is a daunting process, it is said to be a very exhausting period in a homeowner’s life. You need to know how to sell your house fast. The home selling process involves a lot of legal procedures and paperwork, which causes havoc. The whole phase is a combination of financial, physical, and mental concerns that an individual goes through.

In this catastrophic situation, we would like you to find out the 5 do’s and don’ts of selling your house fast.

Significant Do’s and Don’ts of How to Sell Your House Fast

Scroll down below to see the top 5 important do’s and don’ts that will accelerate the home selling process.

1. Repay Debts, Keep Legal Documents In Place

Do’s –

Firstly, it is important to keep your documents in order for the legal processes that will take place in the future. You will need documents like the sale deed, mother deed, and other mandatory documents required for selling the home. Additionally, it is highly advised to repay the outstanding encumbrances, which will help in building trust with the potential buyer.

Don’ts –

If you miss any important document while preparing to sell your house, you might be in big trouble. A missing document will prolong the sale and you won’t receive hefty profits on the property. If you misplace a deed the buyer will propose a lowballed price for your home, which is a big loss. Similarly, if you have any remaining debts, you must clear them off beforehand to obtain a decent credit score.

2. Preparing Your House For Sale

Do’s –

Shabby conditions are not acceptable, you must make the required improvements to convince buyers. There are multiple prerequisites that should be satisfied before you list your house for sale. Basic things like moving the furniture and spacing out the area will do the trick. Decluttering unwanted items will make your home look voluminous and airy, which eventually entices buyers.

Don’ts –

If you are carrying out improvements, you should keep in mind; that overdoing thing will not help. As repairs need a substantial amount of money, it also requires an ample amount of time. It is suggested not to overdo unnecessary repairs or improvements, as it will cost you a handsome amount of money.

3. Market And List Your Home

Do’s –

Marketing can create wonders. If you market a product rightly, it could lead to the right audience. Similarly, as is the case with real estate, if you do appropriate property marketing, it will reach potential buyers. To market, the property start clicking good pictures and writing a realistic description of the house, neighborhood, and nearby places. Furthermore, you can print flyers, post free advertisements online, print advertisements in newspapers, etc. By promoting your house, you are creating a community of buyers that would be interested in buying your property. Stress on promoting your property over the web, around 80% of home searches begin with surfing on the internet, so why not be a part of the digitalization?

Don’ts –

Marketing is to promote a product’s features and make people utilize it. While all this is true, people think fake assembly of descriptions and pictures would entice buyers. Absolutely not, by writing fake descriptions and staging your home, you are creating a fuss for the future. Fraudulent sales are subjected as crime, it is better to portray what is actually yours and keep yourself safe.

While calculating the value of your home, it is essential to set a realistic price for listing. Overpricing your home will lead to a loss and also it won’t lure buyers. Furthermore, do not trust the myth that selling your home in spring is the only option to acquire bigger profits. A potential buyer will buy your house in any condition if he or she likes it.

4. Get In Touch With A Real Estate Agent

Do’s –

Hire a real estate agent who knows the tricks of the trade. Make sure he knows about the locality, neighborhood, recreational areas, comparable properties, etc. A real estate agent will help in evaluating the actual price of your home and make your ship sail smoothly.

Don’ts –

A major mistake that most homeowners make is, that they rely on real estate agents very much. Although trusting isn’t wrong, the blind trust that people put in them could be scary. It is indispensable to conduct simultaneous online research to verify your real estate agent’s evaluations.

A Checklist To Look At, How to Sell Your House Fast

Apart from the given, there are many other aspects that are equally important as the dos and don’ts. We would like to provide you with a checklist that will help you in selling your home fast.

  • Take suggestions and feedback from the real estate agent positively
  • Calculate the fair market value of your property and then calculate the property’s worth
  • Provide walkthroughs for potential buyers
  • Do not hand over the original documents before registration
  • Consult with companies that buy houses for cash for faster and more profitable deals
  • Don’t keep on rescheduling appointments with buyers, they lose interest in the deal
  • Repair sewage tanks and pipes
  • Light scented candles and put flowers around the corners of your home, as curb appeal is important
  • Take care of little things while providing a walkthrough, like keeping your pets out of sight from the buyers. Apparently, everyone is not a pet lover
  • Put bright lights in your home so nothing goes unseen or unnoticed
  • Don’t let the emotional roller coaster hamper your home sale

Our Concluding Words

While selling your house fast is a strenuous task, the above do’s and don’ts will make the process easier for how to sell your house fast. Keep the mentioned points in mind, rest assured you will close the deal positively. If you are living in New York and suffering from the same problem, get in touch with ‘Elite Properties‘. They moreover help you with other real estate crises and provide precise solutions. If you want to sell your house fast, inherit a home or get in touch with a real estate agent, call on this number 718-977-5462 and get your queries sorted.

A divorce is a very stressful situation, not just for the couple who are separating but also for the rest of the family. It includes several decisions that can put many lives at stake. Similarly, the case is much more complex when property and money are involved.

We are here to help you in this crucial time and guide you through the topic; understanding how to sell a house fast during a divorce, where you would want to make firm decision-making moves and remain stress-free in the coming time of your life.

1. Establishing Ownership

Establishing ownership is done for determining the possibility of how the couple can sell a home. Ownership of a home means; where either of the parties has lived for a substantial amount of at least two years for tax concerns, which is usually pre-defined by the state. In some states the law says; that if a person purchases a property in their own name then, in that case, that particular person is the sole owner of that property. Meaning, that if the person decides to sell the property he or she will be entitled to the proceeds.

While in most states the people obey the common law standards which state; that if the non-owning partner resides in the home for some years and contributes partially for the appreciation of the property such as paying installments or settling the mortgage by some amount, then that person or the spouse would keep a major financial interest through the profits that would be achieved post-sale.

2. Splitting Assets And Capital Gains Taxes

The division of profits after the home is sold relies on aspects like mortgage debts and other liens like outstanding property taxes including the additional terms of the divorce. There can be moderate alterations while a divorce is to finalize, the reason being either of the spouses would have invested a large amount of time or money respectively.

Capital gain taxes means; that if you have held on to an asset for more than a year then you are liable to pay the duty on them which is also known as tax paid on capital gains. If the married couple has filed jointly, they may exclude around 500,000 dollars of the proceeds from their tax liability.

Post the divorce process is complete the tax exclusion has dependencies on each spouse’s qualification for the exclusion. If one spouse can meet the requirements then he or she may exclude up to half the amount which is 250,000 dollars. Whereas, the other one would only be able to claim a partial portion of the amount.

3. When To Sell A House?

Selling House Before Divorce

Selling the property before the divorce has its own benefits which associate with liquid assets and tax liabilities. If the couple has been living for more than two years on the property, then it has no apprehensions. Either of the spouses will miss satiating the requirements for a full exclusion of 250,000 dollars per person for capital gains. Furthermore, the profit from the home sale will be spilt. This would provide funds to pay outstanding debts and start a new life.

• Selling House During Divorce

Selling your house during a divorce is very strenuous, as divorce in itself is an expensive process. There is a lot that goes into a divorce. It includes paying lawyer’s fees, splitting assets, and piles of other expenses that occur over time. While selling your house during divorce is expensive, it can provide moderate protection for both parties. It can aid in funding long divorce processes when there has been great negotiation involved to settle down the deal. You can also sell your house to companies that buy houses for cash during divorce and sell Your House within 3 Days. You’ll get cash in return for your property which helps both partners in their new beginnings.

Selling House After Divorce

Couples who have children look for an ideal time to sell the house. In some cases, the person residing in the house post the divorce is finalized. They will buy the other partner’s interest in the home for an unsoiled sale. Whereas, other couples may decide to pay the mortgage installments to meet child support obligations and alimony.

If the above-mentioned process prolongs for more than three years before the sale is complete then the spouse who is no longer living in the house is liable to get the larger share of capital gains taxes post-sale.

4. Consider A Short Sale

If you have remaining outstanding debts left, you’ll have to decide mutually who is going to pay the remaining amount. If nobody agrees to pay, then considering a short sale might be the smartest option for you. It will help in accelerating the daunting home selling process. With the help of Elite Properties, you stay stress-free as we take care of all the legal processes required for a short sale.

A short sale is an agreement with your lender. It states that the house can be sold for less than your mortgage amount. Opting for a short sale is much preferable to having a foreclosure. A foreclosure might ruin your credit score for seven years, while in a short sale you’ll be tagged as clear.

5. List Your House For Sale

If you wish to sell your house while having a divorce then you should consider listing your house for sale. You can get in touch with a real estate agent. He will provide you with the best estimate of your property or you can hire a professional appraiser too.

It is to advise you to do the required upkeep of your house in advance. And perform minor improvements as it will help in surging the cost of your home. Factors such as the condition of the property as a whole, size of bedrooms, carpet area, neighborhood, improvements that are required, etc. will decide the final appraised price of the property. A real estate agent will also think through the recent sales and comps in your locality to cross-verify.

Although, it is a time taking process. And if you think of working at a faster pace this isn’t a suitable option for you.

6. Sell Your House Fast For Cash

Multiple options have been given, which could apparently be time taking and energy-consuming. Divorce is a situation where you are drained emotionally. In such times, you may be searching for companies that buy houses fast. This will help you get away with the never-ending home selling process. ‘Elite Properties’ is a ‘we buy houses for cash company’ in New York that buys your house in any condition and proposes you a no-obligation cash offer. You can sell your house within 3 days without the hassles of the legal process and expedite the home selling process. This will help you save a lot of time, energy, and definitely money as well.

The Bottom Line

In the blog, we showed you a complete scenario and made you understand the possibilities of selling your house fast while going through a divorce. Besides, If you have any other real estate-related concerns you can get in touch with ‘Elite Properties’ they will help you with all your distresses and provide the best possible real estate-associated solutions each time.

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